
Monday, October 19, 2020

Primer & a turning point

Only a few hours put in this weekend. We sanded down all the bumps from the drips from last week's priming attempts. The paint was actually pretty thin, so the texture wasn't as bad as it looked and I was less mad at myself. Still, Peter did the rest of the painting because, well, he deserved a turn. 

We finished priming and also put a second coat on there. We also towed the Silverado out of the way so we could hitch the trailer to the F-150 and take it on a jaunt around the yard. Very cool to see it moving! Wheels, tires, axles, and shocks all seem to be functioning properly. We asked Will to bail us out with wiring the brakes and the tail lights, and we are thinking about towing it to a friend's house so it's a little closer for purposes of working on it through the winter. 

The ceiling is still not installed, in part to spare Will the aggravation when installing a few additional lights this week, but also it's just a pain. Maybe we are a little insecure, too. Last year we buttoned it up around November, but now that we are at the fun part it seems a shame to press pause for the winter again. 

Venting, plumbing, and framing are next. Wall and bed frames need to be built around the vents, so I guess vent pipes come first. Plumbing is our next summit. Also need to box and insulate the wheel wells. But it seems like there are a million other little tasks to occupy ourselves with. A little TLC for the windows, their fixtures, and their frames, replacing rusty external rivets, rehabbing the faded blue paint, addressing the red numbers and external stickers, creating a spare tire holder, sanding and painting the hitch, repairing the canopy, et cetera, et cetera. I feel a little overwhelmed, but luckily I'm not the project manager. ;) 

The amazing thing is, we have a portable camping shell with working lights and fans and propane, and even if we take our sweet time with the inside, it is so satisfying to have covered all this ground the past six months! 

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